We have attached a copy of our Term 4 newsletter for you to read. The dates listed are all tentative dates, we will send home more information as needed for trips etc. If you got this newsletter from class in week 1, you'll notice that a trip to Kiwi Valley is listed for next week - this is no longer the case. You will have information regarding this trip on Monday next week.
Our two Touch Rugby teams have had a great start. Thank you for all the parent support. Their games are on Wednesday afternoons we welcome all families to come and support our teams. A notice regarding fees will come home next week.
We have been learning about planting and growing in Learning Common 2. We made some tyre gardens for Learning Common 1 and have planted beautiful flowers in them. We've also planted the school gardens with veges, herbs and strawberries. Please check out how they're going. Feel free to pop in and water them if you're around on the weekend! (BYO watering can, water available from the drinking fountains)