Advisory Time
We have continued with our focus on collaborating effectively with others this week. We worked on key phrases to help us "Can I play/work with you?" and "STOP it I don't like it". The children then worked collaboratively on activities. We then reflected and the children positioned themselves in either 'supported', 'self managing' or 'self directed' for this learning.Project Based Learning
This week the pirate costume group have made their costumes! If you can, please do come in and look through their learning journey book and see their final costume in the design studio.
Narrative Writing
WOW is all we can say. The children have blown us away with their creative ideas, positive image of themselves as writers and the progress they have made. This week we have worked on the middle of the story - the problem and the rule of three (try, try and solve). Some children have written full narratives and begun the editing and publishing process. Come and see our publishing book!