Sunday, 2 October 2016

Ambassador Elections

After much discussion, preparation AND anticipation, we finally held our election for the LC1 Ambassadors.

An ambassador was a role that we decided would be really valuable to LC1. Someone who is a good leader, who can support the learning of others, speak to and show visitors around our space and generally be a good role model.

Once children had indicated an interest in the role, they attended a number of workshops.  These included watching or listening to speeches made by famous people throughout history - Martin Luther King Jnr, Malala Yousafzai, Winston Churchill.  We thought about what makes a powerful speech and how to go about delivering one.

The children made some time available at school to work on their speech and they also spent time at home working on it. 

All the children and adults in the Zoom Room and LC1 voted for their three favourite candidates. The results were very close.  In fact, three candidates won 12 votes so we have ended up with 8 ambassadors as opposed to the 6 we had originally decided on.

Each and every candidate did a fabulous job and we are extremely proud of them all.  Congratulations to everyone who participated in this process.  We know that it wasn't easy and that it took courage to stand up in front of everyone and deliver your speech.  Well done to the candidates that were appointed ambassadors.  And to those that missed out, we are looking forward to providing you with another chance to become an ambassador early in term 4.

Below are the speeches from our candidates.

Hello everyone, my name is Daniel.  I am a student from LC1.  I want to be an ambassador because I can show people around and I can help people’s learning.  Also I can show my learning to other people.  Thank you.

Hi Everyone,

There are many reasons I think I would be a great ambassador for our class LC1.

  • I have a lot of experience in LC1 as I have been here for nearly 2 years!
  • I know the learning model, teachers and routine of our day.
  • I am not shy and I am very confident.
  • I am a kind, friendly and fair boy.
  • I will be on duty and show visitors around with enthusiasm.
  • I will be helpful when needed to the teachers and children in class.
  • I love my school and I will do my very best to represent everyone.
Please vote Dylan! I will make you proud! Thank you.

Hi, I'm Diego and I'm a student from LC1 that wants to be an ambassador. An ambassador is a kind of person that shows new people around the school so the visitors know where everything is. I want to be an ambassador because I think that I'm confident, brave and not shy for the job. I am very friendly to other people and like to help them when I can. Sometimes starting a new school can be scary. So when I am an ambassador new students don't need to be afraid because I will be here to help them. Please vote for me. I am the best ambassador for LC1.

Hi I am Finn. I would like to be an ambassador because I think I'll be a good role model. I always focus on my work and help tidy up, when the common is a bomb site after we've all been working very hard.

It is really important to look after new kids and to make them feel happy and safe. I use my initiative because I pick up someone else's rubbish without being told to and also if someone looks sad I go and help them sort out what's wrong.

When visitors visit our school, they want to know how we learn. I explain to them that teachers write options on the board and we look at the options and decide what we want to do during the day.

Please vote for me! I think I would be a really great ambassador.

Hello my name is Beth. I would like to be an ambassador. If I become and ambassador I will show grown ups around and help children with their work. Thank you.

Hi my name is Franiu and I would like to be an ambassador. I'm a good helper and I'm OK to talk to different people. I know about school and I'm friendly. Please vote for me.

Hello everybody. I'm Janneke. I would like to be an ambassador so that I can help the teachers, help all the new kids and help and talk to visitors. Please select me so I can help you. Thank you.

Hi I am Isaac. I am going to tell you why I will be a good ambassador. I am not shy and I help people out. I am friendly and good at talking to people. I can also talk about my learning.

I think I can be a good ambassador because I'm not shy to talk to people. And I'm good at helping people with their learning. I especially like helping others with their Maths. Also I know how LC1 works. And I like showing visitors around. Theo.

I want to be an ambassador because I am good at tidy up time and showing others what to do. I want to show visitors around the class and tell them how we do things. I like helping the teacher and others. Jeremy

Hi my name is Joshua and I would like to be an ambassador. I will show people around. Thank you for listening.

I think I will be a good ambassador because I am not shy. I care about others. I will be a good person. From Zoe.

Hello Everybody. I'm Olivia. I would like to be an ambassador. I would like to help the teachers. If I become an ambassador I would show visitors around and help kids in LC1. And I would help my friends with their work. Thank you.

Avani's speech to be posted after the holidays.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Special Visitors From Japan

We were really lucky to host students from a school in Japan this term.  We were looking forward to watching a performance from the students but had no idea that they had some fantastic workshops up their sleeves!!!  Check out what we got up to below!

Traditional Game
We played a traditional Japanese game which involved singing a song and then playing a game of Paper Scissors Rock. The winner then got to choose a player to come over to their team.  The winners were the team with the most members.

We competed in our very own Sumo competition.  The winner got to wear a really cool sumo wig!

The students taught us how to make paper planes.

Drawing Traditional Symbols
We learnt how to draw some traditional Japanese symbols as well as the Japanese flag. We took our time and were very happy with the results!

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Week 4 Term 3 2016

Last week was a busy week in Learning Common 1.  Below is a snapshot of what we got up to.......

We have been busy continuing to extend our recount writing.  Some of us are still working on some of the superficial elements of our writing - leaving spaces, forming our letters correctly.  And some of us are using different tools to support and extend our writing - word cards, dictionaries, using a coloured pencil to recraft/edit, online games like 'Punctuation Splat.' We are trying to remember to add all the detail we need for a recount - When?  Who? Where? What?  We are also using traffic light words to show the passing of time - First Next Finally.  We know that adding meat to the bones is important so that we can paint a picture of our experience for the audience.

We have also been extending our descriptive writing.  We love describing a friend in LC1 and then playing Guess Who?  This week we have been describing images from the Olympic Games.

In Reading, some of us are practising using our robot voice to read and spell voice.  This week we pulled out our friend Metal Mike who loves gobbling up words that have been read with a robot voice.

For those of us who are reading longer words, we have been practising 'chunking' them.  For example, la-zy, ma-gic, farm-er.  We used an online game to explore this before recording words in our book.

We have been exploring doubles this week.  Some of us have been working on doubles to 10.  We have used dice and spinners to generate a number.  Some of us are working on numbers to 20 and beyond!  

Fractions has also been an area of investigation for some of us this week.  After two initial workshops, we have been working on follow-up activities independently.

This week some of us showed an interest in measuring things.  After a quick discussion about standard and non standard units of measurement, we grabbed a ruler and set about measuring anything and everything.  We will continue to investigate Measurement in responsive workshops this week.

We have been practising our sketching techniques before drawing what we can see for Close Observational Drawing.  We are trying to be patient with our work so that we can take our time and add detail.

Mini Olympics
On Thursday we turned our normal circuit session into a mini Olympic Games. We all chose a country and thought about the qualities of an Olympic athlete. We tried our best, encouraged and supported our team and had a thoroughly good time!!  At the end of each circuit, a gold medal, made by Mason and Diego, was awarded to the winning team.

South Korea


Great Britain



United States of America

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Project Groups

It has been a busy week for the Music Project Group and the Identity Project Group this week.  Both groups made a visit to the secondary school to tap into experts and find out the answers to some of our questions.  Have a look at what we got up to.

Identity Group
This week we have been thinking about what it means to belong to our school. What do we do at school that helps to develop a sense of belonging?  Does wearing a school uniform encourage a sense of belonging or should we get to choose what we wear every day?  Do we know all the adults in our school?  How often do we come together?

Wearing a school uniform makes you feel like you belong to the school.  Diego
It makes people know where you are from.  Janneke
School uniform makes you safe.  Isla H
I like wearing my own clothes and choosing.  Leander

School uniform makes us feel like we are in one big group.  Isla H

We met with the School Council and found out what their job is.  We think we might like to have a school council at our school too.

It also made us think about what the role of an Ambassador would be in LC1 and gave us some good ideas.  We would like a badge too!

We then met with a Learning Hub.  A hub is like a form room made up of students from all year groups.  They told us why meeting with students of all ages is helpful.

Share their experiences with the younger students.
Make connections with students across the school.
Helps you not to be scared.

We thought about why meeting together as a whole school might be good.

Being in a hub with children from all over the school would make me feel like we were all in one class.  Janneke
We don’t know the names of the teachers in the other commons. Identity Group
We are one school but we don’t know each other and we don’t meet together. Isla

Music Group
Today we went to meet with the acapella group. We found out what an acapella group actually is!!!! We enjoyed sitting and listening to them practise before they performed a song for us. We were very impressed and thought they all had excellent voices. We found out that an acapella group is made up of a lead (who sings all the words), a tenor, a baritone and a bass. We listened to tracks that helped the singers to learn their part. We even got to look at the music that they were following. They have promised to come and perform the new song they are learning to us when they have finished.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Week 2 Term 3 2016

Well, PINs got off to a flying start this week.  Check out the workshops that were on offer below.........

Dancing and Singing with Ani and Olivia

Making maracas with Isabel for our Music Project Group 
(with Kerry in the background exploring how music makes us feel)

Creating a zoo with Isaac

Minecraft with Joshua and Dylan

Painting flowers with Rashelle

Ballet with Maia and Bella

Abstract Art with Trudy

Sea creatures with Alfie and Daniel

Sport with LC3