We have been busy continuing to extend our recount writing. Some of us are still working on some of the superficial elements of our writing - leaving spaces, forming our letters correctly. And some of us are using different tools to support and extend our writing - word cards, dictionaries, using a coloured pencil to recraft/edit, online games like 'Punctuation Splat.' We are trying to remember to add all the detail we need for a recount - When? Who? Where? What? We are also using traffic light words to show the passing of time - First Next Finally. We know that adding meat to the bones is important so that we can paint a picture of our experience for the audience.
In Reading, some of us are practising using our robot voice to read and spell voice. This week we pulled out our friend Metal Mike who loves gobbling up words that have been read with a robot voice.
For those of us who are reading longer words, we have been practising 'chunking' them. For example, la-zy, ma-gic, farm-er. We used an online game to explore this before recording words in our book.
We have been exploring doubles this week. Some of us have been working on doubles to 10. We have used dice and spinners to generate a number. Some of us are working on numbers to 20 and beyond!
Fractions has also been an area of investigation for some of us this week. After two initial workshops, we have been working on follow-up activities independently.
This week some of us showed an interest in measuring things. After a quick discussion about standard and non standard units of measurement, we grabbed a ruler and set about measuring anything and everything. We will continue to investigate Measurement in responsive workshops this week.
We have been practising our sketching techniques before drawing what we can see for Close Observational Drawing. We are trying to be patient with our work so that we can take our time and add detail.
Mini Olympics
On Thursday we turned our normal circuit session into a mini Olympic Games. We all chose a country and thought about the qualities of an Olympic athlete. We tried our best, encouraged and supported our team and had a thoroughly good time!! At the end of each circuit, a gold medal, made by Mason and Diego, was awarded to the winning team.
South Korea |
Poland |
Great Britain |
China |
Australia |
United States of America |