This week we got to try lots of new experiences in LC1!
We had Play Ball and tennis workshops which the students really enjoyed. We have also been learning some new art techniques as well as running our first round of PINs and our guardian group's take home toys had their first visits with some of our LC1 friends.
This Friday was our first week running PINs (Passions, Interests, Needs workshops). These workshops are run by our teachers, parents from LC1, other family members, older HPPS students, and also our LC1 students. From next week, we will also have some children from Hobsonville Point Early Learning Centre attend our PINs workshops too. These workshops are an opportunity for our students and their whånau to share their interests and expertise with our Common. If you're keen to run a workshop for us, we'd absolutely love to hear from you! This could be anything of your choice; from drawing, cooking, gardening, something you do for work, to crafts, etc. Email your child's guardian teacher and we will happily support you through the process of planning and running your workshop.
Take Home Toys
Each guardian group has their own take home toy. Each student will get a chance to have their group's take home toy visit their house at some stage throughout the year. Our students and teachers will choose who brings the toy home each week. The toy will come home on a Friday and needs to be returned to school the following Friday so the next person can take it home. When the toy visits your home, there's no need to do anything special with it, just allow your child to make the toy a member of your family for the week and then help them to create a page in the accompanying book to show what your child did during the visit. The students are very excited about this and we hope it's a bit of fun for the whole family.