Friday, 24 March 2017

Week 8, Term 1

We come to the end of another very busy week in LC1.  In our guardian groups we have been learning about co operation vs competition, which has resulted in some great learning.  Some of us are definitely stronger at wanting to win.
Once again we are very lucky to have so many PINs workshops on offer.

As part of our immersion we have set up a "shop" within our breakout space.  This space offers the children the opportunity to explore money, interactions as both a customer and a shopkeeper.  The children are enjoying the learning that this space offers.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Week 7, Term 1

Today we introduced our Hobsonville Point Primary Communities. Every student belongs to a community (same idea as a school house system). Your child should be able to tell you the name or the colour of their community. Below are the community names and colours. Have a chat to your child about which community they are in. We will be getting together in these groups regularly so expect more updates about what we have been doing in our communities. 

Muriwai - Purple
Piha - Green
Waiake - Red
Bethells - Blue
Karekare - Yellow

We were lucky to have lots of parents and other helpers offering different PINs workshops for us this week. We had yoga, drawing, waffle making, soccer, exercise, and rakau to name a few. Thank you so much to everyone who ran workshops for us. Our children are loving them!

Friday, 10 March 2017

Week 6, Term 1

This week in LC1 we have continued to focus on the dispositions courage and collaboration, as well as the concepts of respect and kindness. We finished up our tennis workshops and had our friends from Hobsonville Point Early Learning Centre join us for PINs again today. We're still keen to hear from parents or other family members about workshops you could run for PINs. If you have an idea but you're not sure how to make it happen, have a chat to your child's guardian teacher and we will work it out together. If your child would like to run a workshop you can talk to their guardian teacher about this too. We love for our students to lead workshops on the things they're excited about and interested in. 

Here's a video of this week's PINs activities. Enjoy!

This week our school met together to launch our Buddy Bench. A student from LC1 last year came up with the idea of having a buddy bench in the playground so that if students don't have anyone to play with, they can sit on the bench and other students will see them and invite them to play. This student planned and executed the buddy bench as their project learning for the term. Our students all know what it looks like (it is brightly coloured and will be in the school's main play area) so if your child talks about not having someone to play with during break times, please encourage them to use the Buddy Bench. 

Our students are really enjoying their Grasshopper Soccer and Playball sessions. We hope they're telling you all about the skills they're learning. 

Our Take Home Toys have been a wonderful way for our students to share about themselves and some of their favourite things to do at home. On Fridays when our toys come back to school the students who took them home share their adventures with our guardian groups. This develops their oral language and helps them gain confidence when talking to larger groups. Our other students look forward to hearing these stories and during this time they are learning to listen intently and be a respectful audience. Thank you so much for your support with our Take Home Toys at home. We really appreciate the time and effort you've all put into making our toys a member of your family for the week and creating pages for our books. Every child will get a turn to bring home their guardian group's toy so if you haven't had a visit yet, it will happen. 

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Week 5 Term 1

Our week began with a very exciting “Cultural Day” on Monday. This was how we were kick starting our next Immersion phase which will be on Identity. We had a lovely assortment of costumes from a variety of cultures from England, Tonga, China, Korea, Russia, New Zealand, India, Africa and Holland. Our day involved participating in a variety of art and craft activities reflecting different countries. We also had some lovely parents come in and run workshops including; Dutch baking, An insight into Scotland, Mexican art and Indian cooking.We also had a NZ workshop where we learnt the Haka and some rugby skills.

This week we have been focusing on the concept of ‘Respect.’ We have been learning how this relates to how we work with others and how we care for our environment. We will continue to reflect on this daily. Please discuss this concept at home and help support students with tidying up after themselves and showing respect for others feelings through their words and actions. Here is a link to a story from our Bucket Filler sessions where a boy called Felix is learning how his bucket can be filled or emptied through his own and others actions. Take a look at this at home together:

We are continuing to reflect as a team on our planning systems and have begun to set up planning boxes for groups of students to access follow up activities. This is something that is a Work in Progress and is encouraging the students to self manage their time and resources. We will keep you informed on how this is going. 

Our Pins workshops continue to be a great success feel free to contact us if you would like to run a session next Friday.