Monday, 25 August 2014

Week 5 Term 3

Hi Families,

Our Project Based Learning is well under way now. 

South Africa
We asked an expert to come in and share his knowledge with us.  Clint, Luke's Dad, very kindly came in and shared a Power Point presentation with lots of very helpful information.  They have also received an email from another expert, Andre's Dad all about South Africa.  Luke, Andre and Zachariah are planning a South Africa Day so look out for more information about that soon.

Rocket Blasters
Antos led an experiment exploring water pressure that he had trialled at home with his Dad.  After lots of problem-solving we managed to get the rocket off the ground!!!  Take a look at this youtube clip  and try it at home!

Control Panel
We emailed some experts from LC2 and asked them to run a workshop for us on how to make a simple circuit.  We had a go at Makey Makey and we also made circuits with a switch and a light bulb.  


We have been focussing on self portraits for a while now.  The children have developed their skills in drawing different parts of their face and are able to add a considerable amount of detail.  We have spent time looking at different artists and their style/techniques.  This week we looked at Matisse and how he used a colourful background.


Some of our children have started using 'paper planning'.  We have introduced this system to get them used to timetabling their day and being reflective.

Have a great week everyone!

Kerry and Rosie.

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