Saturday 1 April 2017

Week 9 Term 1

This week we were lucky enough to go to 'Keeping Ourselves Safe' workshops with Constable Lauren.These workshops were also followed up in our guardian groups. These were the topics we covered: 

I Am Unique
- Who we are: all about me, what makes me special, where I live, what to do if I get lost

My Body Is My Own
- Physically me: naming body parts
- Touch: touch we like, touch that hurts, confusing touch

Dealing With Unwanted Behaviour or Touch
- Saying “No”: saying no, moving away from a frightening situation, asking for help
- Secrets and tricks: trust, not keeping secrets - always sharing a secret with a trusted adult, identifying ‘Tricks’

Adults Who Help
- Asking people we trust for help: who we can trust and talk to

For PINS this week we were lucky to have workshops from students who hadn't led a workshop before. We had an assortment of topics from:
'The Solar System, drawing Giraffes, drawing Animals, drawing Cats and Dogs, Beatboxing, Drawing Boats and creating Rainbows. It was great to see how well prepared these students were with printing off images at home and preparing activities in their own time. The workshops were all a hit and the students felt a great sense of achievement. Please let us know if your child would like to run a PINS workshop for next week. 

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